Chipping Do's and Don'ts
Do create defensible space up to 100 feet from structures and 10 feet from the sides of access roads.
Do stack brush into piles less than 4 feet high and 4 feet wide on uphill side of a maintained road or driveway.
Do cut the brush into pieces less than 8 feet long.
Do cut off large side branches to keep individual pieces less than 4 feet wide.
Do pile brush with all butt ends facing toward the road.
Do encourage and/or help your neighbors to get involved.
Do not include stems more than 6 inches in diameter.
Do not include old, dry, hard redwood & manzanita branches. These will damage the chipper. Burn them in season (December 1 to April 30), or have them hauled away privately.
Do not include roots, rocks, stumps, mud, loose leaves or pine needles, yard clippings or non-vegetative material (lumber, trash, metal, wire). These will severely damage the chipper and endanger the operators.
Absolutely do not include Poison Oak, Blackberry Cuttings, or French Broom with seeds. These are dangerous to human and environmental health!