
Your Money

Much of what we do is carried out by our incredibly dedicated volunteers, and our most visible, landscape level projects are funded up to 50% by grants. All of our other activities are funded by donations from the community.

In order to operate, we must carry Directors & Officers' and Liability Insurance. In order to have public meetings indoors, we have to rent space. As anyone who has spent more than a few months here is abundantly aware, trees, shrubs, and undergrowth constantly grow, die, and shed fuel, so in order to remain effective, our vegetation management projects must be maintained regularly, and most of our grants require that we commit to carry out that maintenance by ourselves. More and more, we are finding that calls for grant proposals stipulate that projects must be "shovel ready", which requires that substantial planning must be carried out and environmental clearances obtained before we can even apply.

Please consider a tax-exempt donation to help keep our community safe. (Tax ID 32-0315464)

Donations are gratefully accepted by mail to:

Bonny Doon Fire Safe Council, Inc.

6690 Bonny Doon Road

Bonny Doon, CA 95060

Thank you sooooooooooooo much!